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Scroll through the page or click on a category. You can also click on the magnifying glass icon to sear for something that way. May these posts give you new ideas and inspire you to live a simpler, easier and more delicious life!

Nov 19, 20206 min read
I'll simply be making a Galette for the holiday dinner.
I used to make pies, back in the day, but have decided over the years that a galette, in the French tradition is somehow more satisfying...

Nov 17, 20204 min read
"Chowder" or "Chow-dah" it's the bomb.
I've always reckoned that I made a pretty decent corn chowder. Plenty of corn, potatoes, carrots, celery and such. But, my husband - a...

Nov 13, 20203 min read
Better broth is as close as your vegetable trimmings.
For the last several years, I've kept a zip-lok bag in the freezer to hold vegetable trim: the tops of leeks, onion peels, the butt ends...

Nov 12, 20204 min read
Black-Eyed-Peas. The legume. Not the Band.
Although I've lived the lion's share of my life in the west, I was born in the South. Florida, to be precise. And, there were some...

Nov 11, 20203 min read
Yellow Split-Pea: Is it a soup or a stew? Do I care?
Brrrrrr! Although the sun is out, here in Reno, Nevada, it's still kind raw feeling, and is supposed to snow in another day or two. I was...

Nov 10, 20202 min read
Hooray For Leftovers! Really. I Mean It.
I adore leftovers. It's a challenge to repurpose them in ways that are, 1- tasty, 2- appealing, and 3- don't suck. But, seriously (?),...

Nov 9, 20202 min read
Turn That Quorn Roast Into a Tasty Facsimile of Turk-y
With the holiday fast approaching, you might be wondering which plant-based protein will best work for the feast. The good news? There...
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Nov 9, 20203 min read
Creamy Chikin Gravy in Minutes!
Many of you were so excited about my Easiest Vegan Brown Gravy that I knew that I had to offer up a lighter version for the plant-based...

Nov 8, 20203 min read
Fast & Easy Vegan Red Pepper Soup
This is one of my 'go to' fast soups. I make one or two soups every week during the winter. Having soup on hand makes life easier and...

Nov 7, 20205 min read
Great Udon Soup Ain't Rocket Science
A dear friend asked me a while back to gin up a basic 'how to' for Ramen soup. He was tired of those far too salty packets that broke...

Nov 7, 20203 min read
Get the Chow-Chow Cha-Cha On!
Having been born and raised in the South, I was familiar with the idea of pickled relishes like Chow-Chow. It's one of the thrifty...

Nov 6, 20203 min read
Gotta Have Me Some Dumplings
Given the state of the world, vis a vis the pandemic, I sure don't get over to my favorite Dim Sum restaurants in the San Francisco Bay...

Nov 6, 20203 min read
Maple-Miso Baked Acorn Squash
My husband is from far northern New England - up near the Canadian border with New Hampshire. So, as you might guess, maple syrup is a...

Nov 5, 20203 min read
Cranberry Sauce - Ditch That Can, and Make Your Own!
My mother made a unique cranberry relish. Really. I looked forward to it all year. It was straight out of the aqua-kitchen appliance...

Nov 4, 20202 min read
Fall Fruits Are Begging To Become Your Next Salad.
Yes, actually they are. You're missing a bet if you're relying on the same, tired lettuce and tomato salads. My eyes are drooping just...

Oct 31, 20202 min read
Get Geared Up For Turk'y Day in A Plant-based Way.
Wow! We've been so distracted by ahem, current events, that the Big Cooking Day is just 'round the corner! Actually, I've been craving...

Oct 31, 20203 min read
You See Leftover Pasta. I See Potential.
I encourage cooks - particularly young cooks - learn the benefits of 'batch cooking'. By this, I simply mean cooking a bit more than you...

Oct 28, 20202 min read
Beef Tips That You, And The Cattle, Can Live With.
As the days get shorter, and the temperatures get colder, hearty meals are more appealing. We love these kind of meals, and being WFPBNO...

Oct 28, 20204 min read
The Easiest Vegan Brown Gravy Ever
You've been there. Trying to figure out how the gravy got lumpy, and desperately trying to find a way to fix it at the last minute,...

Oct 27, 20203 min read
Creamy Kabocha Broccoli Chowder
Just the other day, I saw a recipe for Cream of Broccoli soup, and since the weather has turned cooler, that seemed pretty good. But,...
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